Our services include Parents counseling for love marriages and finding solutions
to the youngsters even when they are in a relationship.


About WE2 Matrimonial

WE2 Matrimonial

. WE2 Matrimonial is founded by S.Arun Kumar and it is an unit of Akshith Kumar enterprise. Saisha Educational & Charitable Trust is a 25yr old trust, which does many charitable & social welfare activities to the public. As an extension to render service to the society, the founder wanted to create happy families across globe by proper counseling, screening and compatibility check between life partners, thereby reducing divorce rates, couple incompatibility and daily issues in a family life. The making of a good society begins at home, couples make tomorrow’s society, if the kids are grownup by incompatible couples, it causes a permanent would right from young age and gets registered deeply in the mind.

While different matrimonial agencies are aimed only at linking couples for money on an instant basis, we do a thorough screening of both the bride and groom with family background and work towards making a happy family. Post marriage periodic counseling is given to understand the success stories of our matrimonial services. Unlike an online portal, it involves a team of people behind nurturing happy homes and making this world a better place to live.

  • We have been predominantly spread across different verticals addressing the needs of humanity and will ensure ourselves to be your trusted matrimonial partner for a life time occasion.
  • 100% confidentiality of all profiles who seek alliances through us and solutions related to marriage and after marriage
  • We act as a measuring yard to check individual personality and social structure before we bridge an astrologer
  • Giving an end-to-end solution from your marriage thought process at budding stage to post marriage life and extend up to counseling at each stage
  • Have in-house companies to take care of all humanity related services
  • Complete marriage 360degree marriage package is gifted to our clients to ensure a happy wedding life
  • Our services include Parents counseling for love marriages and finding solutions to the youngsters even when they are in a relationship
WE2 Matrimonial
WE2 Matrimonial

To create happy families across the globe

Why do some marriages fail?

Today the divorce rates are increasing in the society due to many reasons, some reason are ego issues between partners, equal earning, seeking excessive freedom, sophisticated busy life style, no value based education, infertility issues, compatibility issues, choosing a partner due to parents coercive behavior, ending-up in wrong hands due to short sightedness, extra-marital affairs, etc. Such issues are addressed in our framework to reduce the failure rates.

WE2 Matrimonial